What WE Believe

When conservatives retreat from issues due to partisan polarization and fail to engage in debate, we lose a seat at the table, allowing the Left to drive policy decisions. In the past, Wisconsin conservatives have led the way with proactive and forward-thinking small government solutions. We believe we can do so again by:

  • Providing a long absent voice for conservatives in the energy debate.
  • Reminding our conservative friends and colleagues that sound, free market clean energy policies are well within the scope of our conservative principles.
  • Promoting conservative support for an “all of the above” energy policy that honors our conservation past and embraces innovative clean and renewable energy solutions of the future.

Economy and Jobs

Renewable energy has an enormous positive impact on the state economy. In fact, in 2015 the economic impact of clean energy in Wisconsin was nearly $6 billion, and our state had 2,281 businesses employing more than 24,000 workers in energy efficiency, renewable energy, and related jobs.

Wisconsin can and should be a national leader in the development of innovative technologies that will revolutionize our country’s energy production.

National and Grid Security

Domestically produced clean energy will increase our national security by reducing our dependence on foreign oil – which we often obtain from countries that are hostile to our way of life.

Innovations in energy production can also improve our energy grid and protect it from disruptions or attacks. A diverse and increasingly renewable energy portfolio is the way to ensure we have abundant and affordable energy for decades to come.

Conservation of Natural Resources

We have a duty to be good stewards of our environment. Conserving our natural resources, and decreasing energy waste through energy efficient technologies is conservative. Utilizing energy sources like bio-digesters and agriculture/solar farm hybrids that preserve farmland, increase crop yields, and help lower energy costs for America’s Dairyland are just commonsense.